table of contents
  1. overview
  2. angels and demons
  3. faeries
  4. deities
  5. vampires
  6. water-based beings
  7. werewolves (and other shifters)
  8. witches, warlocks, and magic users
general info this is a non-exhaustive, non-comprehensive list of beings within the pagans universe. it is our goal to keep things as flexible as possible for incoming players while providing some guidelines to give the universe some basic structure.

please consider these basics when setting up, but know that if you'd like to bring a being that's not included on the list, or would like to bring something different (an energy vampire, for example), you're welcome to! when in doubt, we always recommend reaching out to current members to collaborate or troubleshoot, or just ask the mods! we pride ourselves on being a collaborative community that loves new ideas, so don't be afraid to reach out. we also have a member-run list of character ideas if you're stumped.

as a general rule, we welcome all types of traditional supernatural beings as well as original takes on characters from folk tales, fairy tales, and classic stories. since this is not a multifandom community, we do not accept characters lifted straight from contemporary media.

basic lore the pagans universe is incredibly flexible. it is considered an "open secret" in modern society that supernatural beings exist. while humans are generally aware that the supernatural community is around, some supernatural beings are very open with their identities and some choose to be more secretive.

powers there are variations on powers and abilities between source materials and very few beings have a hard-and-fast set of them, so we allow for flexibility in choosing whichever powers you like for your character. we just encourage you to consider what would be as close to "realistic" as possible (i.e. a water sprite would probably not be adept at pyromancy.) if you need a reference for powers and abilities, powerlisting is an exhaustive resource, and you're also welcome to reach out to any current members about their abilities, or of course ask the mods! we're happy to help you brainstorm.

power limits within pagans, no being is all-powerful: we're flexible about lore but not about this point. while there is hierarchy in a lot of mythology, we don't allow for godmodding here, so when considering powers for any being, think about how those might realistically fit into a whole supernatural society. for instance, a lot of our more ancient deities have "lost" some of their power after they fell out of favor and their worshippers waned. for beings with potential "conflicting" powers (for instance, hel, hades, and lucifer) we encourage members to view them as collaborators, or align ooc on any power struggles before implementing them! don't assume your character is the all-father, king, or boss of any other, please.
angels and demons
angels angels are generally considered to be benevolent supernatural beings that serve humanity as messengers of a god or gods. they're predominantly known for their role in abrahamic religions, although they appear in others. angels almost always originate in heaven, sometimes known as nirvana or paradise, and can travel to earth as they please.

demons demons are most often malevolent spirits who originate in hell. some demons are fallen angels, and some are created (or "born") demons. they are sometimes ruled by another, more powerful demon, and sometimes anarchical; sometimes considered devils and sometimes minions of a/"the" devil.
faeries, also known as the fae or fair folk, are a grouping of supernatural beings with magical powers and a penchant for trickery. faeries originate in a nether-realm known as elphyne, otherworld, or fairy land, and among the fae there are dozens of different species. some faeries are good, some harmless, and some can be very evil, indeed. for one reference, visit the member-run leprechaun lore page.
deities are gods, goddesses, and demigods from various pantheons and mythologies, including (but not limited to!) greek, norse, and egyptian. most deities are patron gods of specific elements (sun, water, death, etc.) or aspects of life (fertility, music, war, etc.) and they often—but not always—have complex familial and interpersonal relationships within their pantheons. different pantheons have different origins and homes: for more information on specifics, we encourage you to research individual pantheons. for a directory and deep-dive into the in-game greek pantheon specifically, check out our member-run greek pantheon directory.
vampires are parasitic, undead creatures who subsist on the blood of others. they are most often "sired" by another vampire, who exchanges blood with them to turn them from human to vampire. traditional vampire lore states that vampires have a variety of "allergies" including direct sunlight, holy water, crosses, and garlic; some can shapeshift; some sleep in coffins. for one reference, visit the member-run vampire lore page.
water-based beings
there are hundreds of water-based beings in folklore, including mermaids, sirens, rusalki, kelpies, selkies, sprites, etc. each have different relationships with dry land and how they can access it: some will be cursed to dry land and unable to return to their original form (a selkie with their sealskin stolen, for example) while some might be able to come and go via shapeshifting. one thing to keep in mind? the water around new york city isn't the cleanest in the world.
werewolves (and other shifters)
werewolves (and werejaguars, werefoxes, etc.) are shapeshifters who, traditionally, lack control over their shifting. most werewolves are turned by other werewolves, be it through bite or scratch. however, some species of werewolf may be born into it. werewolves generally feel an irresistible compulsion to turn into their wolf form during the full moon, with some having more control than others over themselves while in wolf form.

shapeshifters who can control their shifting exist, although we would recommend against categorizing them as "were"—creatures.
witches, warlocks, and magic users magic users of all types exist. there is taught magic (via tutor, magic school or university, or home/community schooling) as well as born/inherent magic. some magic users rely on tools (wands, potions, etc.) while others use their hands or minds. magic can be used for good or evil, which oftentimes depends very much on the magic user themselves. for one reference, visit the member-run necromancer lore page.